Check Out Tenta's New Online Security Podcast

Tune in to the latest episode of the Tenta podcast on Anchor for our round up of Tenta updates, technology, and privacy issues around the world.

Interested in privacy and security online? Love podcasts? Us too! And that's why we're happy to announce the launch our new Tenta podcast. Every week, we tackle privacy news from around the world, emerging and interesting tech, and privacy tips for people who are interested in making sure their online life is more secure.

The show is hosted by Tenta COO/co-founder Jen McEwen. Each episode is a quick look at a pressing online security issue, from how to stop your phone from tracking you to how to quit that social media network that's soaking up all your time.

Podcasts have exploded in popularity in recent years, as smartphone technology makes it easier than ever to stream and listen. According to, 68 million Americans currently listen to podcasts at least once a month. That's almost 25 percent of the entire population! Millennials in particular seem to love the medium, with about 44 percent of podcast listeners falling between the ages of 18 and 34.

Another reason for the popularity of podcasts may be how convenient it is to listen to them. Podcast listeners can tune in whenever they choose, whether it's on their commute, while they're cleaning the house, or while they're cooking dinner. The medium fits perfectly into the modern world's multitasking tendencies.

So join us weekly for a snapshot view on what's going in the world of online security and privacy. You can find the Tenta podcast at, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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Tenta is a next generation browser designed for privacy and security. Built-in true VPN, full data encryption, video downloader, secure medai vault, HTTPS Everywhere, Tenta DNS, and more.

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