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Why Net Neutrality Matters for an Open Internet

The FCC is siding with cable companies at the expense of consumers and competitors -- despite claims of supporting small business.

European Union Considering Pro-Encryption Legislation

The European Union is considering legislation that would require messaging platforms to offer end-to-end encryption for their users. It would also ban 'backdoor' access by the government.

How the CIA Has Been Hacking Your Router

A recent leak by WikiLeaks reveals how the CIA has been exploiting vulnerabilities in common routers to spy on Americans.

Why Law Firms Should Use VPNs

Lawyers, care about attorney/client privilege? Then why are you exposing your clients every single day? Here's why you need to make sure everyone is using a VPN, always.

Tenta Launches Open Source Browser Privacy Test Tool

Learn how ISPs, corporations and governments track you. Our free Browser Privacy Test progressive web app checks how much personally identifying data your browser is leaking.

Stay Connected in Countries that Censor the Internet

You're headed to a country that restricts internet access. Now what?

Your Web Camera Might be Hacked

That little dot on your computer might be hiding someone spying on you. Here's how you can protect yourself against webcam spies.

How to Stay Productive When You're Traveling and Have Crappy Internet

Trying to work in a place with terrible internet is rough. Follow these expert tips to make sure your productivity doesn’t suffer when your connectivity does.

What is WannaCry and How to Protect Yourself

A ransomware attack called WannaCry took over computers and systems in over 150 countries. Microsoft claims that the tool used to exploit a vulnerability in their software was developed by the NSA — and then stolen by cyber criminals.

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